
The Business & Marketing of Icons


Icons pervade the world of fashion and business. As symbols that evoke timeless silhouettes, significant concepts, or creative individuals, icons resonate with all of us.  They inspire us, stimulate us, and inform our thought processes. Understanding and channeling the power of icons is central to the business of fashion—its creation, its marketing, its pedagogies. The purpose of this conference is to explore the following themes:


Sub Themes


(a) Business Icons 

·      An evaluation of iconic business models

·      Developing new strategies


(b)  Marketing Icons

·      The use and power of icons in marketing


(c)  Building a Brand/Designing New Icons

·      How business builds the image of an icon or becomes an icon itself.


(d)  Preserving History/Cultural Icons

·      Cultural impact past, present and future


(e)  Education 

·      Use of icons in the pedagogy of Business, Marketing, and Pop Culture


(f)   Icons & New Technologies 

·      New technologies ranging from performance enhanced textiles for athletes to business strategies and new electronics.


Timeline for Submission and Evaluation of Papers


Participants are invited to submit papers for formal presentations (with electronic support) or poster sessions according to the following schedule:- 






Open Call for papers

15 July, 2012


Final date for submission of abstract

10 September, 2012


Abstract Acceptance notice sent

5th October, 2012


Date for submission of final papers and posters

30th December, 2012


Completed Papers Acceptance notice sent

30th January, 2013


Date for final submission of papers for presentation and publication

15th February, 2013


PowerPoint and/or electronic presentations due

1st March, 2013



Formal Requirements for Abstracts and Final Papers


The abstracts and final papers are to adhere to the following guidelines:-


Microsoft Word Text Files only, Times New Roman 12 pt., one-inch margins


Abstracts: up to 300 words

Papers: 3,000-5,000 words

Must identify theme category from the list above

Must be written in English

Author’s name and affiliation must not appear in the text




Both abstracts and final papers must be submitted via email to the 2013 IFFTI Conference website with a copy to IFFTI Secretariat at


Review Process


Abstracts and Papers for the 2013 IFFTI Conference will be selected through peer review. Papers will be reviewed by a committee of IFFTI member institutions appointed by the conference hosts.


Authors who wish to be considered for an IFFTI Initiatives award should so note in their transmittal document.


Acceptance or rejection notification will include feedback from reviewers.

2012 IFFTI Conference
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